Hands All Around 19 Quilt Show by Hands Across The Valley Quilt Guild. Show will be at Hampshire College in Amherst, MA on Sunday, May 4th. Price of ticket includes ticket to get into show. Breakfast and lunch are on your own. There is a cafe inside the same building as the show for lunch. Raffle quilt designed by Bonnie Hunter, quilt appraisals, mini quilt sale, raffles, vendors. Special Exhibit: NE Quilt Museum Member Guild Challenge 2010 - "From Lobstah to Green Monstah: What's Best About NE".
Pickup at Homestead at 8am. Dropoff at quilt show at 10:30-11:00am. We will have between 2-4 hours to view show, depending on how large it is. There will be between 200-250 quilts on display.
Pickup at quilt show by 3:15pm. Arrive back at Homestead Quilting by 6:00pm. Must be signed up by April 1st. No refunds after April 1st!